Pilar Cattori

Pilar has more than 28 years of experience in the real estate market. This experience has shown him that the basis of any real estate service must be customer service and attention.

Email pilar@inmobiliariacattori.com
Mobile 525555502946
City Ciudad de México
Company / Real estate group Cattori Inmobiliaria
Website www.inmobiliariacattori.com
Areas of specialization
About Pilar Cattori

We help you sell, buy or rent houses, apartments and offices. Pilar Cattori, our founder and director, has more than 28 years of experience in the real estate market. This experience has shown him that the basis of any real estate service must be customer service and attention. That is why he decided to create a real estate company focused on the experience and satisfaction of each client. Each of our members is committed to providing a service: Personalized: each client and each property is unique. This is our service. Comprehensive: we provide business, tax, legal and financial advice. Professional: we are made up exclusively of advisors trained and certified by CONOCER (National Council for Standardization and Labor Skills). Ethical: our priority is to take care of the interests and safety of our clients A change of home is a change of life. We want to be part of that change.

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