Reforma 222, Avenida Paseo de la Reforma, Juárez, Ciudad de México, CDMX, México
$39,000 MXN/ month
Subtype Single-story house
Interior Features Not furnished
Name of residential building or development Reforma 222 Depto 22B
Year Built 2008
Lot / Living Area 122m2 / 122m2
Floor 22
Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 2
Half-bathrooms 1
Parking Spots 2
Maintenance Cost Included
Point of Contact Real estate agent

Welcome to this impressive 122 square meter property, located on the 22nd floor overlooking Reforma. This elegant space has two bedrooms, providing a perfect combination of comfort and luxury in the heart of Mexico City.

Common Terms

It is rented for a minimum period of one year.

Guarantee: A guarantor with proven financial solvency will be required as a guarantee of payment during the duration of the lease contract. The guarantor can be a natural person with residence and proven economic solvency in Mexico City, or a company that employs the tenant and is legally established in the same city. Guarantor: A guarantor with proven economic solvency will be required as a guarantee of payment during the duration of the lease contract. The guarantor can be a natural person with residence and proven financial solvency in Mexico City, or a company that employs the tenant and is legally established in the same city.

Neighborhood Overview

The property is located on the emblematic Avenida Reforma, one of the most prestigious and vibrant areas of the city. Known for its iconic architecture, wide sidewalks, and beautiful parks, Reforma offers a unique combination of urban lifestyle and tranquility. Additionally, its central location ensures easy access to a wide range of services, restaurants, shops and entertainment options. This area is ideal for those looking to enjoy the best that the city has to offer, without sacrificing comfort or quality of life.

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$39,000 MXN/ month
ABCXYZ Broker Beleta

Fitness Center Sauna/Vapor
Social Room Terrace
24/7 Security A/C
Internet / WiFi Dressing room
Places of interest
Tourist Attractions Hotel
Dirección: Reforma 222, Avenida Paseo de la Reforma, Juárez, Ciudad de México, CDMX, México
Travel distance
  • Distancia en KMS 0.52 Embajada de los Estados Unidos de América en México
Mortgage Calculator
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Est. monthly payment
*Down payment should not be less than 10% of the home price.
**Average annual rate of financial institutions listed in
The estimated monthly payment from this tool should be considered only as an estimate and may vary accordin to each financial institution.
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