$49,000,000 MXN
Interior Features Not specified
Needs Renovation No
Name of residential building or development ND
Year Built 1974
Lot / Living Area 1204m2 / 850m2
Floor ND
Bedrooms 4
Bathrooms 5
Half-bathrooms 2
Parking Spots 6
Point of Contact Real estate agent

Incredible architectural project. The house has a ground floor with a study hall and a games room, a spacious dining room and a living room with views of the terraces and gardens. Amazing squash with toilets. Integral kitchen with large storage area and dining room and half guest bathroom. Impressive Garden "A quiet back garden to which you can escape after work, with enough space for barbecues and with privacy" of 400 Mts with a fountain and benches to admire the house. . In PA it has 4 bedrooms, the main one with living room, bathroom and walking closet. All bedrooms have a dressing room and bathroom. There is also a TV room with terrace. The house has a very large and very wooded terrace. Parking for 6 cars, driver's room, warehouse, laundry area with patio and 2 service rooms with bathroom. It has solar panels. Only !!!!!!

Common Terms

The price does not include: taxes, notary expenses, rights, fees, interest rate costs and/or expenses in case of financing; furniture and appliances are not included; built-in furniture only.

¿Interested in this home?
$49,000,000 MXN
María Martha Campuzano Velasco Broker Beleta

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Balcony Terrace
Cellar Garden
Internet / WiFi Heating
Alarm system Maid's room
Places of interest
Schools Tourist Attractions
Parks Hospitals
Dirección: Del Secreto, Chimalistac, 01070 Ciudad de México, CDMX, México
Travel distance
  • Distancia en KMS 0.23 Parque de La Bombilla
  • Distancia en KMS 0.05 Cámara o Ermita del Secreto
  • Distancia en KMS 0.78 Oasis Coyoacán
  • Distancia en KMS 0.19 Huehutla Hidalgo
Mortgage Calculator
Home price
Interest rate (Annual)**
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Term (Years)
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Est. monthly payment
*Down payment should not be less than 10% of the home price.
**Average annual rate of financial institutions listed in banxico.org.mx
The estimated monthly payment from this tool should be considered only as an estimate and may vary accordin to each financial institution.
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