$33,500,000 MXN
Subtype Condo
Interior Features Not furnished
Needs Renovation No
Name of residential building or development VISTA COUNTRY CLUB
Year Built 2022
Lot / Living Area 673m2 / 567m2
Floor ND
Bedrooms 4
Bathrooms 4
Parking Spots 4
Point of Contact Real estate agent

The residential house is contemporary in style with elegant finishes, open spaces and
double-height lobbies that articulate and set the areas; where the topography of the property had a decisive role in its conception.
It is a sloping lot that starts at street level and increases the level towards
the back reaching the level of the golf course, which results in visual
The construction consists of three floors, part of a basement at street level that houses
a garage for four cars, utility room with space for two single beds
with bathroom, storage room, laundry room, multipurpose room, bar, half bathroom, elevator and
double height garden that connects to the terrace on the 1st level.
On the first level is the main entrance, which is accessed through a garden
wrapped by the L-shaped stairs, ending at the landing with a thick wall in the middle
height with an intermediate span giving presence to the access. Upon entering the residence
The first space that welcomes us is a small hall that leads to the
room and the main stairs, followed by a double-height bar that connects
immediately with the dining room, followed by the terrace that overlooks the rear garden. In
When the elevator arrives, we are greeted by a corridor that invites us to enter a spacious kitchen with an island
work area, pantry room and breakfast room with perimeter views of both the garden
back as well as the double-height corridor coming from the multipurpose room of the
Finally, on the second level there are three bedrooms with dressing room and bathroom,
in addition to the main bedroom that is located in the back with a view of the countryside
golf, has a terrace that covers the entire width of the building, said
room is designed with a large dressing room for the couple interconnected to the
main bathroom, inside there is a jacuzzi and double sink; both the toilet and the shower
they are shuttered in independent private spaces.

Common Terms

The price does not include: taxes, notary expenses, rights, fees, interest rate costs and/or expenses in case of financing; furniture and appliances are not included; built-in furniture only.

¿Interested in this home?
$33,500,000 MXN
Pepe del Valle Broker Beleta

Mortgage Calculator
Use our calculator to estimate your mortgage payments.
Social Room Terrace
Cellar Garden
24/7 Security Internet / WiFi
Fully equipped kitchen Hot tub
Places of interest
Schools Parks
Malls Other
Dirección: CERRADA VISTA DEL SOL 1833, Lomas Country Club, Naucalpan de Juárez, Estado de México, México
Travel distance
  • Distancia en KMS 0.71 Sam's Club
  • Distancia en KMS 0.61 Parque Interlomas
  • Distancia en KMS 0.16 Parque Shimon Peres
  • Distancia en KMS 0.54 Escuela Sierra Nevada
Mortgage Calculator
Home price
Interest rate (Annual)**
Down payment*
Term (Years)
Loan amount
Est. monthly payment
*Down payment should not be less than 10% of the home price.
**Average annual rate of financial institutions listed in banxico.org.mx
The estimated monthly payment from this tool should be considered only as an estimate and may vary accordin to each financial institution.
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CERRADA VISTA DEL SOL Naucalpan de Juárez
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