$27,800,000 MXN
Subtype Studio, Two-story home
Interior Features Not furnished
Needs Renovation No
Name of residential building or development ND
Year Built 2011
Lot / Living Area 796m2 / 512m2
Floor ND
Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 4
Half-bathrooms 1
Parking Spots 8
Point of Contact Real estate agent

If you dream of living in a beautiful place with strict security, complete privacy, quiet and with views of a beautiful wooded garden, be sure to visit this magnificent house, contemporary in style, impeccable, comfortable, full of light and sunny. The entire house was planned to have a view of the garden and was built with attention to all the details.
Built on two levels, with space for eight cars, four covered, on a small completely closed street, one of the few in the rocky area with a fence and strict 24-hour surveillance.
On the main floor there is a nice garden in front, a hall, the dining room with windows facing the main garden, with natural wood floors, a very spacious and well-equipped kitchen, a guest bathroom and the master bedroom with a double dressing room and a bathroom with Finished in marble, tempered glass, whirlpool tub, windows and access to the main garden of approximately 300m2.
Independent from the house, there are two offices with a full bathroom, with a view and exit to the main garden, this area was planned to be an independent apartment, with a living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, but currently it is adapted to two nice private offices, Super well equipped and with built-in furniture.
On the second level, accessed by a modern staircase, with double-height windows overlooking the front garden, there are two bedrooms with a bathroom each, a family room with a projector and movie screen and custom-made furniture, in That level is the laundry, patio and utility room. It has a service staircase from the parking lot.
The house is extremely illuminated, all with German windows with double glass, electric European blinds, the wooden floors are made of tzlam, it has filtered water, solar cells, hydropneumatic, three cisterns, solar and gas heater, small room and bathroom for drivers, several cellars, the entire house with independent heating in each area, electric gate and security cameras.
It is an extremely comfortable and practical house, very well built, cozy, impeccable and with great charm, in the most exclusive and best located residential neighborhood in the south of the city, with the best schools, shopping centers and communication routes.
If this is what you are looking for, be sure to schedule an appointment to meet her, we will be happy to assist you."
The expenses, taxes and fees derived from the deed of the property are “NOT” included in the sale price, as well as charges that may be generated related to mortgage loans.
The furniture, equipment, appliances, paintings, works of art or automobiles that may appear in the photographs of our advertising are “NOT” included in the price of the property.

Common Terms

Does not include Notarial expenses or taxes

¿Interested in this home?
$27,800,000 MXN
Villela & Asociados Broker Beleta

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24/7 Security Maid's room
Internet / WiFi Cable TV
Places of interest
Schools Hospitals
Dirección: Cerrada de Xitle
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*Down payment should not be less than 10% of the home price.
**Average annual rate of financial institutions listed in banxico.org.mx
The estimated monthly payment from this tool should be considered only as an estimate and may vary accordin to each financial institution.
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