$150,000,000 MXN
Subtype Penthouse, Single-story house
Interior Features Not furnished
Needs Renovation No
Name of residential building or development Torres Coca-cola
Year Built 2000
Lot / Living Area 865m2 / 865m2
Floor 22
Bedrooms 4
Bathrooms 5
Half-bathrooms 1
Parking Spots 5
Point of Contact Real estate agent

Incredible Unique Opportunity in Torres Coca Cola. We present PH1 of Tower 1, located at Ruben Dario 115, a real estate gem that you cannot miss.

It is the largest apartment in the entire tower, occupying the entire 22nd floor of a total of 30 levels!

Elevator entrance to your apartment, with a generous surface area of ​​865 m2, this exclusive penthouse offers you a 360-degree view that will take your breath away, the tower has its own helipad.

Enjoy spectacular panoramic views of the castle and the Chapultepec Forest, giving you an urban oasis in the middle of the city.

The distribution of this PH is unmatched: it has 4 large bedrooms, a TV room, a tea or breakfast room to enjoy the spectacular view.

Large service area, pantry, black out curtains in main areas, main and secondary kitchen or at night, service doors.

In addition, this apartment includes 6 places for your vehicles.

The Coca-Cola Towers were designed by the renowned César Pelli who was also commissioned to design St. Regis and the Mítikah residential Tower.

Among César Pelli's most notable works around the world are the expansion of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the Petronas Towers located in Kuala Lumpur, the Iberdrola Tower in Bilbao, the International Financial Center in Hong Kong, the Gran Torre Costanera in Santiago de Chile, the YPF tower in Buenos Aires, the Salesforce Transit Center in San Francisco, the north terminal of Washington Airport, the Carnegie Hall Tower in New York, the National Museum of Art in Osaka, the Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles and the Aria Resort in Las Vegas.

Pelli carried out dozens of emblematic works around the world, which is why he is considered one of the most important architects of the 20th century.

Common Terms

Does not include notary fees or taxes

Neighborhood Overview

Rubén Dario is one of the most coveted streets in Mexico City and Polanco. The area is characterized by its proximity to the Chapultepec Forest along with the incredible panoramic view of the entire City.

This Torre is located within the Polanco neighborhood, characterized by its wide streets and security, being the base for the largest number of Embassies in the city, due to its convenient attributes, including shopping areas, banks, restaurants, cafes and shopping centers.

¿Interested in this home?
$150,000,000 MXN
Vive Polanco Broker Beleta

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Fitness Center Sauna/Vapor
Playground Social Room
24/7 Security A/C
Internet / WiFi Alarm system
Places of interest
Schools Tourist Attractions
Parks Hospitals
Dirección: Rubén Darío 115, Polanco, Polanco V Sección, Ciudad de México, CDMX, México
Travel distance
  • Distancia en KMS 1.01 Castillo de Chapultepec
  • Distancia en KMS 1.17 Bosque de Chapultepec
  • Distancia en KMS 0.60 Avenida Presidente Masaryk
  • Distancia en KMS 1.19 Auditorio Nacional
Mortgage Calculator
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Interest rate (Annual)**
Down payment*
Term (Years)
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Est. monthly payment
*Down payment should not be less than 10% of the home price.
**Average annual rate of financial institutions listed in banxico.org.mx
The estimated monthly payment from this tool should be considered only as an estimate and may vary accordin to each financial institution.
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