$24,000,000 MXN
Interior Features Not specified
Needs Renovation No
Name of residential building or development ND
Year Built ND
Lot / Living Area 1203m2 / 600m2
Floor ND
Bedrooms 4
Bathrooms 4
Half-bathrooms 1
Parking Spots 6
Point of Contact Real estate agent
ID externo easybroker-EB-PC1331

Design. Elegance. Luxury. Opulence. The expression of your country lifestyle in Valle de Bravo but with all the comforts and luxury you deserve.

A spectacular house with a wide view of the terraced garden in two spaces and very flat so that the children can have their own space. Vegetable patch. Pizza oven next to your large parota dining room for immediate delight. And of course, the cellar next door....

Everything has sound and security cameras and is furnished by a recognized firm so it is very elegant and they have good furniture. It has double heights in the living room. Its architectural design resembles a large cabin in the mountains but with the height and spaciousness of a mansion worthy of you.

Get to know it and don't even think about it, buy it. It is for you to generate indelible memories in it... It is also in a local transit area and with a lot of added value.... What more do you want...

Lets go. Write to me and schedule an appointment.

NOTE: For the confidentiality of the properties and owners, the location indicated on the map is that of the BUENROSTRO INMOBILIARIA office. We appeal to your understanding.
EasyBroker ID: EB-PC1331

¿Interested in this home?
$24,000,000 MXN
Buenrostro Inmobiliaria Broker Beleta

Mortgage Calculator
Use our calculator to estimate your mortgage payments.
Garden Terrace
Cellar Balcony
Maid's room Pets allowed
Dirección: Valle de Bravo, Valle de Bravo, Valle de Bravo, Estado De México
Mortgage Calculator
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*Down payment should not be less than 10% of the home price.
**Average annual rate of financial institutions listed in banxico.org.mx
The estimated monthly payment from this tool should be considered only as an estimate and may vary accordin to each financial institution.
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