How much do real estate agents charge for their services?

Por: Beleta Real Estate Research
How much do real estate agents charge for their services?

During a purchase-sale or rental transaction, real estate agents carry out a series of activities focused on successfully completing the real estate transaction in question.

Depending on the complexity of the transaction, the real estate agent may be involved to a lesser or greater extent, however, the activities that an agent frequently performs are the following:

Property Value Opinion

The real estate agent performs an in-depth examination of the property to provide an opinion of value for both sale and rental. This includes a physical inspection of the property, evaluation of the area where it is located and analysis of current market conditions considering the closing values ​​of some recent transactions that can be compared to the evaluated property.

Documentation Preparation

Before marketing the property on the market, the real estate agent will ensure that all the necessary documentation to carry out a sale or rental transaction is available and in order.

This includes having on hand documents such as the title deed or deeds, property tax and service amounts, as well as maintenance fees or verification of any debt or lien that the property in question has.

Advertising and Marketing

The real estate advisor carries out a marketing strategy to publicize the property in the main niche and digital communication channels such as different real estate marketplaces (such as beleta), social networks such as Instagram or Facebook or WhatsApp groups where advisors share opportunities.

Negotiation and Closing of the Transaction

When advisors receive an offer or interest in the property, the advisor acts as an intermediary in the negotiations between the interested party and the owner of the property. Likewise, he collaborates in the closing process with the Notary Public (in case of purchase-sale) or with the lawyers in the preparation of the lease contract (in case of rent).

Finally, how much do real estate advisors charge for their services?

The fees of real estate agents range between 3% and 5% of the sale value (in the case of a purchase-sale) and are usually equivalent to one month's rent in the case of a lease transaction. It is important to emphasize that real estate agents, in the vast majority of cases, only charge if the transaction is closed.

At Beleta we have the best alliances with real estate agents in the country. If you want to know more about them, do not hesitate to enter our directory of agents where you can find a summary of their career and the properties they have in their inventory.


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