Jalisco - La Americana
Jalisco - La Americana

Considered to be the trendiest neighborhood in Guadalajara, Americana is a symbol of culture, history, gastronomy, and entertainment that is certainly deeply rooted in the hearts of locals.

Founded in the late XIX century, this locality was the most important residential area of the city because of its location, only a few blocks from downtown, and many European-style residences and mansions that were built back then are still standing today and many are used as venues for restaurants, bars, and boutique hotels.

What to expect…

Even though the Americana neighborhood is not an extensive area, an endless stream of people flows across its streets for multiple reasons, blending different endeavors of everyday life such as academic, business, and recreational activities.

The mood that is felt in this area is the most cheerful of the city because it is full of young people enjoying numerous restaurants and bars and it comes together with the history and culture that emanates from the many constructions and buildings.


The only way to really enjoy life in colonia Americana is to adapt to the spirited rhythm that characterizes the area and fully participate in the cultural and recreational dynamics.

Among the most common residents you will find are young adults who study and work in the area and who often live as couples or share apartment units with friends.

It’s not the right place to…

Medium or large size families. There are few apartments big enough for families of more than four members. In addition, traffic is heavy during the week and thus, commuting to other parts of the city may take a considerable amount of time.

Residential market

The residential market is focused mostly on apartments that vary in size, ranging from “loft-style” single units to medium size apartments that are ideal to house up to four people.

You will fall in love with…

Avenida Chapultepec. It is an avenue that is located in the heart of colonia Americana and has become an emblematic area due to the many restaurants and bars that can be found there, in addition to exhibitions by local craftsmen that take place on Saturday afternoons on the tree-lined median. Strolling down this avenue is an activity worth doing with family and friends.

Places of interest
La Americana
Travel distance
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