Estado de México - Tecamachalco
Estado de México - Tecamachalco

Tecamachalco is a traditional residential neighborhood located in the bordering municipalities of Naucalpan and Huixquilucan in the State of México. This area constitutes the western part of CDMX, along with other neighboring locations such as Lomas, Bosques de las Lomas, Santa Fe, La Herradura, and Interlomas. This area began its urbanization process in the nineteen fifties, but the construction boom really took place in the nineteen seventies, the goal being to replicate the style of Lomas de Chapultepec but divided into smaller lots. For this reason, in the beginning, this neighborhood was called “Lomas de Tecamachalco”, however, over time it became known only as Tecamachalco.

What to expect…

Also referred to as “Teca”, this is a high-income neighborhood which was conceived trying to imitate all the new developments of the time in places like Pedregal where street outlines and extensions facilitate the smooth circulation of vehicles with no stop lights and retail areas are located in particular and strategic spots. The influence of the Jewish community in this area since the onset of its development should be significantly noted. The invaluable contribution of this community transcends to several spheres of everyday life such as security, the preservation of green areas, and the safeguarding of the residential and quiet ambience of this neighborhood.


Life in Tecamachalco is peaceful and local residents enjoy a relaxed way of life knowing that they are safe, surrounded by nice neighbors, and that they have all the services that a high-end neighborhood can offer. The most common residential profiles in Tecamachalco are middle to large sized families, as well as older adults who have lived in this area for a long time.

It’s not the right place to…

Walk long distances. Streets and avenues in Tecamachalco are mostly steep or have irregular topography and thus, walking around the neighborhood can be a bit exhausting. Being a neighborhood that is outstretched, the use of a car is almost a must.

Residential market

The residential market is mainly composed of single homes built along the large avenues that make up this neighborhood. Even when there are newly built houses, most were developed in the nineteen sixties and seventies with great influence from Mexican-Ukrainian architect Boris Albin. For those looking for apartment buildings, there are a few located in the Avenida de las Fuentes retail area.

You will fall in love with…

El Rey del Falafel. If you love Arab food, then visiting this spot located in Centro Comercial del Puente is a must. Hands down, it is the best falafel in the city.

Places of interest
Travel distance
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