Nuevo León - Valle Poniente
Nuevo León - Valle Poniente

Valle Poniente is one of the newest neighborhoods that has developed in the Monterrey metropolitan area; it has undergone accelerated growth in recent years in response to the high demand of the San Pedro area.

Situated mostly within the municipality of Santa Catarina, this area has been characterized by the development of high-end residential properties, both gated communities and vertical condominiums. It is also a neighborhood known for housing prestigious academic institutions such as the Universidad de Monterrey and the Colegio Americano (American School Foundation de Monterrey).

What to expect…

Valle Poniente is a recently developed residential area, considered an expansion of the San Pedro (Garza Garcia) neighborhood at more affordable prices and organized mainly in private residential complexes and communities with large shared facilities and efficient security.

As opposed to neighboring areas such as colonia Del Valle or Valle Oriente, this location does not have many retail clusters, hotels or large corporate buildings, a feature that makes this area very easy-going. This relaxed atmosphere blends together with the student-friendly environment that emanates from the renowned Universidad de Monterrey.


To live in Valle Poniente means enjoying the benefits offered by the municipality of San Pedro in a more residential and relaxed setting, one with less traffic from visitors and outsider businessmen. Walking along its streets implies forgetting about city life traffic and enjoying the spectacular views of the Sierra Madre Oriental in general and particularly of La Huasteca.

This area is ideal for families who work in the San Pedro neighborhood and whose children attend one of the schools that are located in Valle Poniente.

It’s not the right place to…

People with activities or who move about in other municipalities of the Monterrey metropolitan area. Being a neighborhood that is located in the western side of the city, commuting to other places such as Apodaca, Escobedo or San Nicolás can take time because of the long distances and hectic traffic that you are sure to run into in these areas.

Residential market

The residential market is mostly focused on large- size horizontal condominiums that offer many amenities and shared facilities for the entire family. To a lesser extent, you will find luxury apartment buildings with amazing views of La Huasteca.

You will fall in love with…

Parque Ecológico de la Huasteca. A little more than a kilometer away from Vía Cordillera, you will find the entrance to the park where families can enjoy all types of activities like hiking, road and mountain cycling, and climbing, as well as strolling down its canyons and footpaths which undoubtedly make this park one of the most special places in the state of Nuevo León.

Places of interest
Valle Poniente
Travel distance
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