Three curiosities about Pedregal that you didn't know

Por: Beleta Real Estate Research
Three curiosities about Pedregal that you didn't know

The area known as “Pedregal” south of CDMX has been distinguished over time by the exclusivity that surrounds its streets, residences and businesses. But the majority of the capital's residents do not know some facts that make it a very particular neighborhood with a lot of history behind it. Below we present three curiosities about “Pedregal” that probably no one had told you about.

Its origin

This area has its origin in the eruption of the Xitle volcano more than two thousand years ago, when its magma traveled several kilometers and covered different areas of the city. Over time, the magma became volcanic stone that today forms part of the characteristic landscape of Pedregal. If you walk along its main avenues such as Paseo del Pedregal or Boulevard de la Luz you will be able to see settlements of volcanic stone in its ridges along with the very characteristic flora of this area of ​​the city.

Architecture, Design and Art

In its beginnings in the 1940s, the Pedregal area was frowned upon for imagining any type of residential development due to the inhospitable and rugged nature of its lands. It was not until 1948 that Luis Barragán became interested in this part of the city and began to acquire some land to begin the construction of what is now known as Casa Pedregal, which the Prieto-López family occupied until 2006 (today it is you can visit as it is also a museum, restaurant and cultural center called Tetetlán). After Barragán, other friendly architects such as Max Cetto and Mathías Goeritz arrived to continue giving this neighborhood all the personality it boasts. Recently, sculptures of the famous “Timo” by Mexican sculptor Rodrigo de la Sierra have been seen in streets such as Paseo del Pedregal and Avenida de las Fuentes.

Home of Presidents

Being a first-class area in terms of infrastructure, services and type of residences, many influential people have lived in Pedregal over the years and some presidents of Mexico also decided to settle in this neighborhood. Such is the case of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz and Jose López Portillo in the seventies and more recently Ernesto Zedillo and Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

If you want to know more about El Pedregal, do not hesitate to consult our section dedicated to the city area where you will find images, recommendations and properties available for sale and rent.


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