Three reasons why you should have a home in Valle de Bravo

Por: Beleta Real Estate Research
Three reasons why you should have a home in Valle de Bravo

The picturesque town of Valle de Bravo located in the State of Mexico has become, in the last two decades, the favorite place of the inhabitants of CDMX to invest in rest homes or “second homes” both because of its proximity to the capital of the country as well as the series of activities it offers without forgetting the glamor that accompanies belonging to the select and small part of Mexican society that spends its weekends in “Valle”.

Below we leave you three reasons why you should consider buying a house in Valle de Bravo:


The lifestyle in Valle de Bravo is a unique fusion of the casual with the glamorous and exclusive, where the fact of belonging to the capital society that transforms into “Vallesana” on the weekends is reason for a very special pride. In the Lake area you can breathe a village air combined with beautiful views of the lake that transmits a feeling of calm where life passes with the cadence typical of provincial lands. In the Avándaro area, the gaze is lost in the immensity of the fir, pine and oak forests that, through their centuries-old trees, give us a labyrinth of shadows that provide a cool climate throughout the day.

Sports activities

The fresh sunrises in Valle set the tone to start the day with the different sports activities that the city offers; On the lake, you can go skiing early in the morning or participate in one of the regattas organized by the different yacht clubs. For people who prefer sports outside of the water, road and mountain biking have gained popularity in recent years as have enduro (motorcycling) and horse riding. Golf lovers can enjoy three world-class courses such as Rancho Avándaro, Club de Golf Avándaro and Club de Golf Izar.

Active and Social Community

The community in Valle de Bravo tends to be active and social. There are various clubs and organizations that offer opportunities to meet people, participate in recreational activities and contribute to the social fabric of the place. If you like aquatic activities, there are various nautical clubs such as Marina Azul, Santa María, La Peña or Escondrijo where families come together to live together around various social and sports activities. Nor can we forget the gastronomic offer of the place where various very high quality proposals have emerged, ranging from classics such as Da'Ciro, Los Veleros or La Taberna to more recent ones such as Nuestro in Rodavento or Na-ha in the Santuario.

If you want to know more about Valle de Bravo, do not hesitate to consult our section dedicated to this beautiful place where you will find images, recommendations and properties available both in the lake area and in Avándaro.

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