Why is Colonia Roma so trendy?

Por: Beleta Real Estate Research
Why is Colonia Roma so trendy?

The Roma neighborhood has its origins in the 19th century where the land on which this colony is located was the Romita pastures. La Romita was a town located on the shores of Mexico City that began its urbanization with the Porfiriato and later proclaimed itself as an upper-class settlement where mansions and palaces were built that even last to this day. Today La Roma neighborhood has taken a very important role in various areas that has made it very popular among various groups of people.

But why is La Roma neighborhood so fashionable? What makes it so special? We leave you the three main reasons why we think La Roma is so popular right now.


La Roma neighborhood is located in the heart of CDMX and is made up of two “sub-colonies” called Roma Norte and Roma Sur, which are separated by “Coahuila” street. This area is delimited to the north by Avenida Chapultepec and to the south by Viaducto Miguel Alemán. It is framed to the west by Avenida de los Insurgentes and to the east by Avenida Cuauhtémoc.

It is an extremely well-connected area as it borders the Condesa, Narvarte and Juárez neighborhoods, a few blocks from Paseo de la Reforma and a few kilometers from the city center. It could be said that La Roma is possibly the best-connected neighborhood in CDMX both due to the distance it keeps from different parts of the city as well as access to different means of transportation such as bicycles for rent, electric scooters, metro, metrobus and trolleybus. .


Living in La Roma is very similar to living in large European cities due to the layout of the streets, the architecture of its buildings and the shops that flood the neighborhood. Living and enjoying La Roma means going out to its streets and enjoying its people, its local shops, restaurants and its culture. Its inhabitants can be artists, intellectuals, young professionals, hipsters, millennials and foreigners.

Cultural and Gastronomic Offer

La Roma is known as a nerve center of culture and gastronomy. In the cultural part it has historical monuments and other famous replicas such as the Cibeles Fountain and Michelangelo's David as well as traditional museums such as the Salón de la Plástica Mexicana or the Casa del Poeta or some more trendy ones the Museo del Objeto or Museo Universitario de Ciencia y Arte (MUCA Roma).  

On the gastronomic front, we cannot fail to point out giants such as Máximo by chef Eduardo García located on Avenida Álvaro Obregón, Casa Virginia by the much-loved Mónica Patiño or Blanco Colima, which has become a reference both for its food and for its architecture. of the establishment. Finally, a special mention must be made to what is probably the most famous bakery in Mexico, Panadería Rosetta by Elena Reygadas, who was recently named the best female chef in the world.

If you want to know more about La Roma, do not hesitate to check our section dedicated to the city area where you will find images, recommendations and properties available for both sale and rent.


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