Why is Polanco the most exclusive area in Mexico?

Por: Beleta Real Estate Research
Why is Polanco the most exclusive area in Mexico?

Located in the northwest of Mexico City in the Miguel Hidalgo mayor's office, we can find the Polanco area, which is considered one of the most exclusive not only in CDMX but also in the entire country. From its beginnings it was planned as a residential and commercial area taking advantage of the lands adjacent to the Hacienda de San Juan de los Morales, which today remains an emblematic restaurant in the area.

Nowadays living in Polanco means exclusivity in its purest style. It is enough to walk through its streets named in honor of great philosophers and humanists to delight in its green areas, museums, high-level gastronomy, the best hotels in the city and its exclusive shops to notice the class and sophistication that surrounds this area.

Below we leave you three reasons why we consider Polanco to be the most exclusive area of the country:


It is an area that very interestingly fuses the glamor of its shops and exclusive restaurants with the tranquility of its streets and parks. Connectivity is also worth highlighting since it is a neighborhood with access to several avenues that connect it with different parts of the city. It is common to find many tourists because the best hotels in the city are located there. Being located in a flat area of the city, it is common to find electric scooters and bicycles for rent as it is a quick and efficient way to get around the neighborhood.


Polanco is known for its elegant and modern architecture, which is reflected in its avant-garde design buildings. Luxury residences, exclusive condominiums and contemporary mansions are part of the urban landscape. The wide avenues and green spaces contribute to the clean and modern aesthetic of this area. Within the area we can find works carried out by renowned architects such as Javier Sordo Madaleno, Ricardo Legorreta, Matías Goeritz, Francisco J. Serrano, Cesar Pelli, among others.

Security and privacy

Security is a constant concern for those seeking exclusivity. Polanco has managed to establish a reputation for being a safe and well-guarded area. Security measures, police presence and attention to residents' privacy are key factors contributing to the attraction of those seeking a safe and quiet environment.

Polanco stands as a beacon of exclusivity in CDMX, where high-level experiences, elegance and good taste converge to create a world-class environment. In this urban gem, exclusivity is found around every corner, captivating those who seek the best in all aspects of life. If you want to know more about Polanco, do not hesitate to consult our section dedicated to this important area of CDMX where you will find images, recommendations and properties available for sale and rent.

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