Ciudad de México - Roma
Ciudad de México - Roma

The Roma neighborhood or Colonia Roma is located in the downtown area of Mexico City in the Cuauhtémoc borough. It comprises two “sub neighborhoods” called Roma Norte and Roma Sur, which are separated by the street “Coahuila”. Because of its far-reaching culinary selection and cultural activities, the Roma neighborhood is one of the trendiest areas to live in the city, with a wide array of restaurants, fashion boutiques, musical venues, libraries, museums, bars, coffee shops, art galleries, cultural centers, and green recreational areas.

What to expect…

It is an area that is highly frequented by young people in search of entertainment and cultural events. Its location makes it very attractive because it is practically in the middle of the city. We are probably talking about one of the most “popular places to be” in the city because of its broad range of activities that can be found there.


Its lifestyle is very similar to that of big European cities, from the layout of the streets, the architecture of its buildings and the many shops that can be found all over the neighborhood. To live and revel in the Colonia Roma is to wander through the streets and enjoy its people, its shops, and its culture. Its residents may be artists, intellectuals, young professionals, hipsters, millennials, and foreigners.

It’s not the right place to…

Use a car. Traffic is generally heavy, and you will soon realize that many of the buildings there do not have parking garages for their occupants.

Residential market

This area offers mainly apartment buildings. You may find some units in older buildings that have been remodeled or some newer options with modern architecture.

You will fall in love with…

The wide selection of restaurants, bars, and cultural events. You may get around the area in ecobici (Mexico City’s bicycle sharing system) or electric scooter.

Places of interest
Travel distance
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