Ciudad de México - Santa Fe
Ciudad de México - Santa Fe

Santa Fe is located in the western part of Mexico City and it is considered the most modern area of the city where you’ll find big corporate buildings, shopping centers, hotels and schools.

This part of the city has been chosen by many national and multinational companies as the place to set up their corporate offices; therefore, it is considered the second financial district of the city after Paseo de la Reforma.

There is a great variety and different formats of shopping centers, ranging from the classical Fashion Malls, such as Centro Comercial Santa Fe, to some mixed-use venues (commercial, offices, hotel) such as Samara Shops and Park Plaza.

One of the highest-ranking private hospitals of the country, Centro Médico ABC, is located in Santa Fe with many different physicians caring for an array of patients and conditions inside a world-class facility.

What to expect…

A perfect modern area to live if your work is also there. A financial hub with large corporate buildings, shopping malls and hotels. There are many restaurants and entertainment options.


With a floating population of 150 thousand people every day, it is active and busy Monday through Friday and calm and peaceful on the weekends. The typical resident profile includes students and executives who study and work in the area. It is also common to find families with children and expats.

It’s not the right place to…

Walk. The topography of this area is not the most appropriate for strolling or walking, not to mention the fact that there is poor pedestrian infrastructure. The use of a car is a must.

Road traffic can be hectic during peak hours, due to a lack of access routes.

Residential market

Mostly vertical condos with amenities (fitness facilities, multiple-purpose lounges, green areas, etc). To a smaller extent you can find many upmarket horizontal condominiums along a section called La Loma Santa Fe.

You will fall in love with…

“La Mexicana” park is an ideal place to do exercise, stroll and have a good time with family and friends in the gardens and restaurants that are conveniently located there.

Places of interest
Santa Fe
Travel distance
Comentarios sobre Ciudad de México - Santa Fe
  • Elena López 3 February 2023

    Santa fe es una de mis colonias favoritas para vivir, si trabajas en esta zona, es ideal pues tienes todo a la mano, servicios, centros comerciales, grandes restaurantes y todo tipo de entretenimiento tanto de día como de noche. El parque la Mexicana es un "must" que nadie debe perderse.

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